Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Should the rich pay the same tax rate as the poor? Why or Why not?


  1. Kayla walker 1st period No i don't think the rich should pay the same taxes as the poor, because it is not fair for a millionaire to only have 100 dollars token out for there check and a person who only makes 200 dollars a week get half their check token away from them because of taxes,the rich and wealthy people should have more money token out for taxes because they can afford more money to be token out of there check.

  2. - The rich should not pay the same taxes as the poor. It would not be fair to the lower class. Having the poor people pay more and having rich people pay less, doesn't seem right. If this were to happen in the kind of status we have right now, things would be in chaos.

  3. I think the rich people should be in the same boat as poor people as they pay their taxes because the people struggles to find their way to hustle for money to pay their taxes by saving up.Rich people have no problem to pay their taxes and have money left.

  4. Yes But Rich Should Pay More.I love how rich people talk about trickle down economics. The only thing they are worried about is more money trickling into their pockets. Of course I guess that is how you get rich in the first place by being greedy, selfish and unethical. I can't believe that people making 50000 or less should be expected to pay the same tax percentage as the wealthy

    Dante Ottley

  5. Yes, the rich should pay more taxes. Taxes being paid go for things like education and job training. which means people will be educated and will be able to make more money. NO ONE got there by themselves. Everyone at some point needed grants, loans, scholarships, etc.

  6. No, I think the rich should pay a higher tax rate than the poor because they have a more stable income. They have better opportunities than the poor. The poor doesn't have as many opportunities as the rich.
    Freddie Martin III

  7. The Rich people should actually pay more. The reason I say that is because the more money you make the more you should have to give. There should be no reason why you would take the same taxes out of a 100 dollar or 200 dollar check out of a 600 dollar Check or higher
    Decimber Lumpkin

  8. i think the rich people should actually pay more taxes. They get more from the government and it isnt fair for them to have more money then the poor and pay the same tax rate as them. The poor people pay 100 percent of their income just to earn a basic living but they don't pay much in taxes. The rich people have more than enough money than they need, so therefore they should have no problem paying more taxes.

  9. I think the rich should pay a higher tax rate than the poor because they have a more stable income. The reason I say that is because the more money you make the more you should have to give. The poor doesn't have as many opportunities as the rich does, so there's no reason why the rich should pay the same tax rate as the poor. TANOU DIALLO 1st period

  10. No I think the rich should have to pay a higher rate tax than the poor. Because they make more money than the poor so it wouldnt be fair if the was to pay the same amount. They shouldnt have any problem paying more than the poor. They will still have money left after the taxes are taken out.

  11. Dean Bickley
    Yes, the rich should pay the same taxe rate as the poor. This is because they are actually paying more than the poor anyways. If the tax rate was for example 50%, then of course the rich person would be paying a lot more than the poor person, just because his income is higher.

  12. I think the rich should pay more because they receive a lot more from the government then the poor. The rich make way more money then the poor and that isn't fair.

    (Giovanni Johnson 11/29/12 Period.5)

  13. To me, it's simply that the very rich, the 1% if you will, are getting rich off the backs of the poor and middle class. They SHOULD pay a higher percent of their income in taxes.But if that is my argument, you might ask, then how does their getting rich keep the middle class and the poor down?

    The two most significant ways, imo, they do this is:
    1. They keep prices high
    2. They keep wages low

    I say that because in most cases, I believe, they are the employers, and they are the suppliers of products. Btw, one reason I say this is that the Republicans call them “job creators.” If they are job creators, then, so far, I’m right.

  14. Alonda Gaines: 6th period.
    The rich should have to pay more than the low class. I say this because it isnt fair. The poor already struggles to get by each day with the bills they have not to all more money taken out for taxes. The high class shouldn't have a problem paying more. It's not like they actually care anyway, just complaining.

  15. The rich should pay more taxes than the lower classes because they have a higher income, which means they have more and are able to pay more.

  16. the rich should pay more taxes than the poor because the economy is declining for the middle and lower class families. the lower and middle class families are not financially as stable as the high class.

  17. In my opinion the rich should not pay the same tax rate as the poor. I feel this way because if you have more money then you shouldn't have a problem paying more than someone who doesn't have as much. It doesn't make sense for someone in the higher class to pay the same amount of taxes and still have a lot of money left over. Someone in a lower class could already be struggling so they shouldn't have to pay the same amount as someone who isn't. I believe if you make more you should pay a little more even if you did work hard for what you earned.

  18. The rich shouldnt pay the same tax rate as the poor, instead they should be paying more out of their pocket because they have more money to live off of. The poor tax rate should be lowered and the rich tax rate should go up.

  19. The rich and the poor should not pay the same amount of taxes. It is not fair for the rich to pay more money because each group has the same opportunity to succeed at the same things in life but in reality the rich would pay more money because the are financially able to. The poor would not be able to meet the same standards as the rich so therefore they cannot pay the same amount of taxes.

  20. I feel as if the rich and the poor shouldn't pay the same taxes because everyone is honestly entitled to equal rights to get the same oppurtunity to better themselves. Sometimes I feel as if poor people get over on the government just to get by in life.

  21. Tishana Hill 2nd PeriodNovember 29, 2012 at 7:58 PM

    Taxes are fees charged by the government on income or activity. Taxes are used to finance public goods and services such are public facilities, transportation, street lights etc. The middle class and the upper class should not pay the same amount of taxes. Due to the fact that the middle class have lesser income than the upper class they should pay more taxes then middle class. The upper class will still have more money left over then the middle class.

  22. Marcqueil Colbert 2nd PeriodNovember 29, 2012 at 8:14 PM

    Taxes are money that we make to the government. A portion of income is given to the government to be distributed to services and goods. such as street lights. the rich people should continue to pay more taxes than the poor because more income is being brought into the richer homes then the poor homes.

  23. I think that the rich should pay at the same rate because their taxes might raise when they pay much. The poor, on the other hand, pay as much as they need when it means taking care of themselves. The rich would probably pay more if their taxes were same. But if they relied on their insurance, the people would probably pay more.
    Michael Matthews
    1st period

  24. Gary Ingram (2nd period)November 29, 2012 at 8:23 PM

    i believe that rich people should pay more because they have a lot more money then poor people. rich people are basically laughing at the poor because they have no problem with playing the taxes. and you got poor people out here struggling to pay there taxes when the rich people just basically chilling, its not far to the poor

  25. Fantasía RobinsonNovember 29, 2012 at 8:25 PM

    No i dont think the rich should pay the same amount as the others, because they have better jobs that pay way more, which they have more money to pay there taxes. Then then others Whois dont make as much and get half there check taken away.

  26. Nicolette Douglas 2nd periodNovember 29, 2012 at 8:56 PM

    No. The rich should pay a higher tax rate than the poor. The poor make just enough money so that they can survive. Therefore, they do not need extra bills on their back. However, the rich make enough money to splurge on luxury items. So if they can buy these unnecessary items, they can help out the economy and give more money to the government.It is only fair because they are more fortunate than the poor.

  27. I believe that both the rich and poor should pay the same tax rate.Some people have worked hard to get what they have . Not saying the the poor man didn't ,but life is full of choices . You can make good ones or bad ones.I don't think it's right to take more money from people just because they make more , they worked for or was either born with a silver spoon in their mouth. That's just life , life deals you the cards but ultimatly you make the plays.

  28. Nate Usher - 6th PeriodNovember 29, 2012 at 9:00 PM

    I do not think the rich should pay the same tax rate as the poor for two reasons. The first reason is simple, they make much more money. Due to this, it's only fair that they pay a much higher tax rate. The second reason is that if they were to pay such a low rate, the economy would decline tremendously. This would happen because the amount of income collected through the IRS from the rich would decrease by billions of dollars. In the end, although those who are included in the one percent wouldn't mind such a tax, it would not be the best idea for the economy's sake.

  29. I think that the everyone have the same oppurtunity to be successful but then again situation do occur so I think it depends....
    Tekara Williams
    2nd Period

  30. i think that the rich and the poor should pay differnt amount of tax rate because if the rich already have alot of money they shouls give so they government can continue to help out less fortunate, meanwhile if the poor is already struggling trying to make ends meet set a standard tax rate for them they can meet.....

  31. Demarvin Morgan
    I believe that the rich shouldn't pay the same amount on taxes.reason being is because if you get more you should give a little more.sometimes the poor doesn't have enough to pay taxes, well most of the time and they can barely feed their family.while the rich are selfish and usually just sit on their money

  32. Demarvin Morgan
    I believe that the rich shouldn't pay the same amount on taxes.reason being is because if you get more you should give a little more.sometimes the poor doesn't have enough to pay taxes, well most of the time and they can barely feed their family.while the rich are selfish and usually just sit on their money

  33. I think that the rich should pay more than the poor because they make more money. Most rich people don't even know how to handle their own money. Most of them give money to charity so they won't have to pay a high amount. This should be changed so that people won't have to pay the same tax rate. I don't think that their would ever be paying a low tax rate

  34. When Paying taxes its should account to the money u make its shouldnt be a little but it shouldnt be alot. The governorment likes to take and keep. So yes i think rich people should have to but i dont think the should be charged an arm and a legs for people who cant do what they need to be doing to make as much money as others

  35. Chelsea Murray
    First Period

    Yes, the rich should pay the same tax rate as the poor because that would create a fair and just atmosphere for everyone. Some people are born rich, but individuals who have worked hard for their advanced earning shouldn't have deducted rates (taxes) hindering their success and making their wages identical to that of individuals who haven't worked as hard. Yes, it may be true that many people struggle on a daily basis and still don't achieve "getting rich", but that isn't at the fault of the people who have gotten rich.

  36. I do not believe the rich should have to pay the same tax rate as we do,i mean they do have alot of money and they tax rate should increase double as much as we pay for it,plus when obama was running for office ROMNEY wanted to raise taxes on the lower class and the rich should not have taxes.now that we have obama back in office i do believe that we keep our tax rate the same and the rich need to pay double the amont as we do.i mean im just saying.

  37. i do not believe the rich should pay the same amount in taxes as the poor. taxes are supposed to be based off of income so it would be unfair if a poor person is paying the same amount as the rich if the rich obviously makes more.

  38. 6th period: I think that the rich should actually pay more. Because the rich actually have a larger income than the poor. And on second thought i think neither sides should pay more or less. Taxes should be done equally on both sides.My final decision is i think it should be based on the amount of income that comes in the household. Well it just depends.

  39. I think that the everyone have the same oppurtunity to be successful but then again situation do ocurr to where people arent as fortunite as others. I think if everyone doesnt pay the same amount of taxes the rich should give back and help the people who are strugling. Most times wealthy people dont give back and just look down on the poor and that's not right! So I kind of qualify because the "poor" or some of them have the oppurntunity to get back on their feet but just dont take the oppurntunity. Other classified poor people just want to either be on drugs or use government help. So I guess im not really sure on this one.
    Tekara Williams
    2nd period (Redo)

  40. Corbin McCoy 5th PeriodDecember 2, 2012 at 10:13 AM

    Of course rich should pay more taxes. Taxes being paid go for things like education and job training. This means people will be more educated and will be able to make more money which mean they will have more money to buy a rich man's product. NO ONE got there by themselves, everyone at some point needed grants, loans, scholarships, or government assistance to help them. Politicians make hard decisions, but this should be the easiest one.

  41. Yes, I believe the rich should pay as much taxes as the poor. I think it should stay equal for the simple fact that everyone works hard for what they have. Why should someone pay more just because the have more money? That isn't fair. Let them keep what they worked for. And as for the poor, there's ways for them to think of solutions. Sometimes people are "poor" because they are lazy and just want to sit at home and collect checks from the government. So, I think taxes should stay equal. It's their money! Let them keep what they earned.

    Alexandria Bacchus
    6th Period.

  42. I believe the rich should pay the same tax rate as the poor. I say this because the world is equal everyone has the same chance to become successful in life. You can either be lazy or you can work hard. The people who work hard doesn't work hard to let lazy people feed off them. They work hard to create a better life for themselves. So I believe the tax rate should be equal.

    Brandon Manuel
    6th period

    yes i believe the rich should pay the same taxes as the poor, because we are all equal in this world. we all work hard to be where we are at in life nobody should be treated a differnt way based off how much money that they have. its bad enough that the poor really dont have much to look for nor to offer that an rich person they dont really have to worry about anything if they are rolling in dough like that.also if we all payed the same amount maybe rich people would know how to manage their money and take pride for things like an average poor person would.

  44. Tiara arnold-wade 5th pdDecember 2, 2012 at 2:03 PM

    I think the rich should pay more tax rate because they make more then the poor.Its isnt far that the poor to pay more then them and better yet make it the same taxes rate. The taxes that are payed go towards our education. So if the poor are paying more they barely have more to they self

    1. Shikari Martin.
      The rich should pay the same tax rate as lower class (if not more). Though 10% of a rich persons salary will amount to more than a lower class persons, a rich person has more to give. They also can recover from giving away a large amount of money quicker because these are usually the bosses or business owners. On the other hand, 10% of maybe a $15,000 salary may be the one factor keeping a lower class child from going to college. It's a major difference.

  45. As a whole, all we're looking at is what is in black and white: there are people that are rich, and there are people that are poor. Thinking with that mindset, you cannot really make a legit opinion or argument of the situation because youre not looking deeper than what we see. Yes, that person is wealthy, but what did it take for them to get there? Some people are blessed with inheritance and don't have to strain a muscle,but others did what it took and put in hard work and dedication. Why should those people have to share a portion of their hard earned money simply because they have it ? That isnt fair. And who says that every poor person has a sad story to tell ? I know tons of unfortunate grown people that choose to live in poverty simply out of laziness. Overall, you never know the story behind why someone is the way the are, so to say "oh the rich should pay more because they have it !" is somewhat ignorant. Everyone should pay what the government requires us to pay, simply because we're all equal. At a point in time, we were all taught what it took to get to the top. Some got there, while others straddled under. Thats life.

    Raven Burford
    5th pd

  46. The rich should pay more because they have more money than the poor. They also make more money and spend more than the lower class. The rich are usually business owners and make the wages for the lower class.

    Dezeray Dukes
    1st Period

  47. Drew mcghee
    The rich should pay the same rate as the poor because all people are equal. People earn the money by their skills, efforts, and talents. If a person should continue to earn the bare minimum, then they should be content with their life choice and pay the government. Whatever effort you put into it, you will get out of it. The more money you make is on the effort you put into it. So why should they pay more because they went the extra mile to provide for their family with benefits.

  48. The rich should pay more taxes because their income is higher than the poor. The poor isn't making much money so if they pay the same amount as the rich then they will be even more poor. When the rich pay as much as the poor then they'll still be rich. Paying taxes doesn't really hurt their income.

    Erin Thompkins
    6th period

  49. I personally think that the poor shouldn't have too pay equal or no taxes at all compared too the more fortunate. They're poor for a reason, they can't afford stuff or make ends meet nevertheless pay high taxes. - Visa Kennedy

  50. The rich should not have to pay more taxes. Those people work hard for their money just like everyone else. Just because that person is rich doesnt mean they dontt have struggles of their own. Then if taxes are raised alot of rich families would have to adjust to financial hardship

    Nigell Berry
    5th pd

  51. Renard Whyte 6th periodDecember 2, 2012 at 8:14 PM

    Taxes are fees charged by the government on income or activity. Taxes are used to finance public goods and services such are public facilities, transportation, street lights etc. The middle class and the upper class should not pay the same amount of taxes. Due to the fact that the middle class have lesser income than the upper class they should pay more taxes then middle class. The upper class will still have more money left over then the middle class.

  52. Jared
    2 period
    I think they should pay the same because it's better for every one to pay the same amount. So there won't be any questions abut why we have to pay more then they do. Even if they have more money then the other person doesn't mean we should tax them more. Besides if you become rich one day you wouldn't want to pay high taxes.

  53. cornelius jones

    Even among those who describe themselves as "upper class" or "upper middle class," more than half or 52 percent said upper-income Americans don't pay enough in taxes; only 10 percent said they paid too much. This upper tier was more likely to say they are more financially secure now than 10 years ago 62 percent, compared to 44 percent for those who identified themselves as middle class and 29 percent for the lower class. They are less likely to report problems in paying rent or mortgage, losing a job, paying for medical care or other bills and cutting back on household expenses.

  54. There is no new blog and its 7:19

  55. I feel that the richer people should pay more taxes than the poor. I feel this way because they have the money to pay but they do things so they can get a tax write off. Then they still have lots of cash left. When the poor pay more taxes and have to still bust there butts to just get buy. Also the richer class can do more than they do do for the people.

  56. in some cases the rich should pay more in taxes than the poor but at the same time it should be equal. the rich have more money to pay taxes so it should be higher for them and the ppor since they dont have a lot of money they should pay less. i think in certain cases it should be equal because maybe its how someone is spending they're money that makes them poor. poor people should pay less because they may not have as good a job as a rich person and is living on edge barely getting by and it would hurt them to pay high taxes. overall i think rich people should pay more it shouldnt bother them much because they have a lot money.

    Nivia Collier 6th Period

  57. I believe that the rich should pay the same tax rate as the poor because throught this system "socialism" can be eliminated in our government. When one finacial class i showed favor to for example the poor paying cheaper taxes then the rich, it shows no equality in the govrenment which was one of the things or society was built on

    Terrell hall 1st period
